Important note about 30 years of experimental trial and error
and research & development
and charges for books and membership
In case you think “charges” are for me…They’re not.
Information is power but it carries powerful expenses. Information (especially spiritual information) should be free, but unfortunately, getting it to you is expensive on so many levels.
So far—including the past 30 years of research and development of this information—I've been carrying all costs.
Now, I must get the information to you. Otherwise, the alternative is simply walking around for eternity with all of this vital information only in my head, benefiting me and no one else. And that's fine. I'm in heaven, getting miracles every day. But it is my belief that I was given this information to pass along to you.
Unfortunately, getting the information to you is not free. These very expensive expenses must be covered, or the electric company, the phone company, the ISP, and the web server will pull the plug, not to mention all sorts of other expenses, like professional hardware and software.
This is a full-time, not-for-profit endeavor to change the world. I have NO rich contributors or benefactors or advertising sponsors. It is only I who have poured in a huge amount of money. Right now, there is no way I can arrive at a profit. I can only ask for help in the way of exchanging my many years of intensive experimentation and research for proof for your tax-deductible contributions. (Many people seem to think that all of my books—some of which do not even appear here—have arisen overnight. Each one actually takes years to develop. Not easy.)
(Having to “pay” for this vital information is also a good test of your faith/trust in the information to resurrect your life to higher dimensions. You must understand that this information is the ONLY true way to GET UP AND OUT and it has been kept TOP SECRET for centuries.)
“Charges” will go down as more and more people believe,
and I will continue to have NO ADVERTISING on this site.
The only way to save the world is to start with yourself AND save the world WE MUST!
Thank you all for your contributions so far. And please remember to • “like” all posts, • leave comments, • add reviews on the reviews page, and • PLEASE SHARE AND SPREAD THE WORD.